Friday, September 26, 2008

Audrey turns 2 in her home home state!

Audrey returned to Michigan for the 2nd time in 6mos this time for her own birthday after being there in early March to celebrate her cousin Ava's 1st.  Thankfully, in late August the rust belt didn't throw 18in of snow at us over the horn of Lake Erie.

We had a fantastic visit with family and enjoyed perfect Michigan summer weather for a week. Kathie and I got to Somerset  twice. We got some family skating in (and some hockey very early in the morning).  We got down to all three sports arena's in Detroit, walked along the refurbished Detroit River waterfront and had lunch at GMs headquarters, the "Ren-Cen" as we like to call it in De-Troit!

My beautiful bookends!

The older kids stayed in Michigan to travel back with Kathie's parents who live on the other side of the state in Grand Rapids.  That gave Audrey 4 days of Mommy and Daddy to herself back in VA...not exactly by herself since Dune and Mocha were sure glad to get out of the kennel and back to their couches and our bed at home.  

What does one do at a 2yr old's birthday when one has run out of Sudoku....

I haven't been a good blogger, so I will follow this post up with one on the first day of school and the fall activity schedule.  Until then, here is our gorgeous daughter and her equally beautiful mom, brother and sisters:

At the pool

Hanging with and on to Grandma

Beneath the Tiger's paw

Hanging w/ Ava

Entrance to the best stadium on the planet

These two photo's illustrate Audrey's creative side as well as her father's uncanny failure to know where the hell she is and what the hell she is doing.  Notice the blue marker on the trim and directly on the window as well as her tatooing of her own arm.

Additional pics from late Summer

A few more of this beautiful child...and DON'T forget, to see the full HD photo double click on the picture and it will open in a larger window, you can use the back space arrow in your browser to return to the blog...

With Marli, our friends from GR's daughter adopted 5yrs ago and one of our inspirations to do the same.

"Hey Dad, do those other kids havvvvve to come back from Michigan...I could get use to this"

Hey! Look at me lookin' at you!

Baw-deeeeezzzzz! (east coast for buddies)

I am lovin' this milk, what's in this stuff?