We've been busy here since my Baptism. Hugh's 4th birthday, Owen's 6th birthday and Alena's First Holy Communion. We also went to Naples, Fla. for Spring Break. My first time to a beach and swimming. It was also my first time on a putting green and of course my first time at a Ritz-Carlton resort! My parents said don't get used to this, we got a good deal. Next year DisneyWorld!
My Dad posted some new videos on the blog on the video sidebar right. It doesn't get any cuter than me!
Emma started Field Hockey up for the Spring season. She scored three goals in her first game continuing to lead her team in scoring since last fall. Hugh started soccer and Owen started ice hockey--(so did my dad, but it's late at night so i don't get to see him). I can't wait too skate, i am always trying to run out on the ice. Alena is busy w/ dance and she and Emma start swim team soon. Alena received an important award, Citizen of the Month for her class--for outstanding academics and attitude.
Okay, here's a bunch of pictures: