Not Today
October 22, 2007
Day 105 into our wait for RA. Not much to say, we still are waiting. Another spectacular day of weather. Hugh had Spanish pre-school this morning so Owen and I went grocery shopping and then spent time working on his homework before school. After Owen went to school, I picked up Hugh and we just ran some errands, got lunch and just played. Another good day.
14 Months Old
October 21, 2007
Audrey is 14 months old today. Thought for sure she would either be home or we would be traveling right around this time to get her. We had a beautiful weekend here in Virginia. The weather was spectacular. Emma scored 2 (almost 3) goals in her Field Hockey game. Owen finished up his latest series in ice skating. He'll move onto the next level and we should be able to start him officially in Mini-Mites hockey soon. Alena went to a birthday party at a brand new Pump It Up (Bounce Place) and had a blast. Hugh continues to keep us on our toes. He is really fun right now. He's doing great in pre-school and has also started Spanish pre-school. We're going to get him started in ice skating and also swim lessons this winter. Alena and Emma continue to have fun doing dance and we're looking to get Alena into gymnastics. Both Alena and Owen and field trips the same day, but different pumpkin patches and Tom split his time between the two. I stayed back with Hugh and got ready for book club (this past Friday) and got him to Little Gym and his afternoon art class.
Just Not Our Time Yet
October 16, 2007
We received an update from AWAA today. No good news and no real answer. All we know is we are NOT in the matching room (the place our file would need to be to receive RA). This means we are still in the review room and it appears no one from the CCAA feels the urgency to pull our file out and move it along despite our LID being skipped over. Many others with LID's of Oct/06, Nov 06 and even into 2007 have received approvals. The CCAA won't commit to anything so we just continue to wait.
Still Nothing
October 15, 2007
We have seen some other agency receive RA's, again for dates later than us, but still nothing for our family and some other families from our ageny with September 2006 LID's. The wait continues to be tough.
More Waiting
October 11, 2007
We were so hoping to hear some news by today. The only thing we found out is the person who signs LOA's/RA's is out this week. So we just continue to wait.
Still Waiting
October 01, 2007
After already waiting beyond what we initially expected for our RA, we were informed today for our agency we were "skipped over". What this means is families with LID's after our received their RA's and we didn't. To make it even worse, the CCAA is closed this week. So it won't be until middle of next week when we might hear something.